News Bulletin VO. 26 NO. 3

Transition to New Database

The CRNS is in the process of transitioning to a new registrant database called Alinity, a system currently being used by a variety of health care and professional regulators across the country.

The new system will provide registrants with access to their CRNS online profile to complete applications for licensure and renewal, apply for exams, upload documents and engage in the continuing competence program. A strategic priority for the CRNS, the Alinity database will improve the effectiveness and efficiency of our day-to-day operations to better serve the public and our registrants.

CRNS staff have been working closely with the Alinity team in preparation for a multi-phased roll out. The first phase will be released at the end of July, with subsequent phases rolling out in the fall. During the transition, the continuing competence module will not be available. Registrants will be able to upload professional development activities into the new system, once it is rolled out.

We ask for your patience and understanding as we work through the implementation of this new system. Please watch for further updates over the next few months as we begin the transition to Alinity.

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