NPs Authorizing RNs to Administer Bioactive Agents

Registered Nurses (RN) may be authorized by a Nurse Practitioner (NP) to administer bioactive agents such as Botox. The CRNS has collaborated with the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Saskatchewan (CPSS) over the past several months to obtain written clarification on this matter and is able to share this update. 

Prior to initiating practice, RNs administering and NPs administering and/or authorizing bioactive agents require recognition of practice through the CRNS Regulatory Services team. 

RNs and NPs must have the ongoing knowledge, skill and judgement to safely perform the injection of bioactive agents. NPs authorizing this practice must also supervise the RN to reasonably assure safety for clients. The administration of bioactive agents is beyond entry-level practice and requires an RN Clinical Protocol that includes the essential components of an RN Specialty Practice

Further guidance on including alternative and complementary therapies into RN and NP practice can be found in thisNursing Practice Update.

CRNS Nursing Advisors are available by emailing Regulatory Services at or Nursing Practice at

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