Indigenous Nursing (kā-wīci-pimohtēmāt)
kā-wīci-pimohtēmāt is a group of Indigenous nurses whose goal is to educate, collaborate, and enable all Saskatchewan nurses to work together to address the current health disparities between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and to facilitate a platform for direct communication between the College of Registered Nurses of Saskatchewan (CRNS) and the Indigenous nurses in this province.
What We Do
- promote professional growth in members
- promote growth and support (mentorship) to Indigenous undergraduate and graduate nursing students and nurses
- advance recruitment and retention of Indigenous nurses
- advance the wellness of Indigenous peoples
- provide opportunities for continuing competency related to equitable and culturally safe nursing care for Indigenous peoples
- identify objectives that contribute to CRNS strategic endpoints
- facilitate the integration of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action #18-24
- review expert literature and policies related to Indigenous peoples
- collaborate with Canadian Indigenous Nurses Association (CINA)
kā-wīci-pimohtēmāt (pronounced gaah-weechi-bimohte-maat) means ‘a person who walks with others on their journey’.
See our curated list of resources on our website,
Dr. Holly Graham at