
The CRNS Executive Director (ED) reports to Council and is responsible for the overall management and leadership of CRNS in achieving its mandate of protecting the public by ensuring members are competent and act in the public interest. This includes strategic leadership of the organization, as well as setting and achieving organizational objectives agreed annually with Council. The Executive Director or their designate will act as the Secretary and Treasurer of the organization.

CRNS Council Policies

There are three types of policies:

1. Strategic Objectives

Mission, Vision, Strategic Objectives & Values

2. Council Policies

2.1 Council Code of Conduct and Conflict of Interest Policy

2.2 Integrity Assurance Policy

2.3 Investment Policy

2.4 In-Camera Sessions Policy

2.5 Council Communications Policy

2.6 Appeals Policy

2.7 NP Scope of Practice Policy

2.8 Council Expense Policy

2.9 Investment in Governance Policy

2.10 Selection and Appointment Policy

2.11 Executive Director Performance Evaluation

2.12 Executive Director Total Compensation

2.13 Executive Director Recruitment, Selection and Appointment

2.14 Executive Director Succession Planning

3. Council Charters & Committees

3.1 Council Charter

3.2 Council Chair Charter

3.3 Committee Chair Charter

3.4 Audit and Finance Committee Charter

3.5 Executive Director Charter and Delegation of Authorities

3.6 Governance and Human Resources Committee Charter

3.7 Legislation and Bylaws Committee Charter

3.8 NEPAC Charter

3.9 Nominations Committee Charter

Recent Policy Developments

Document Definitions and Descriptions

The Document Definitions and Descriptions chart introduces the definition of Council Policy as a strategy for providing practice direction for members with a commitment to transparency of these policies with our members, stakeholders and the public. The chart describes where the authority for each document type originates, consultation that’s required, level of communication required with council, and detail such as the level of enforceability of each document type.

Document Definitions and Descriptions Detailed Chart

Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish scope of practice requirements for Nurse Practitioners (NPs) in relation to the following areas:

  • NP Prescribing Drug Therapies for Opioid Use Disorder (OUD)
  • NP Prescribing Methadone for Pain Management
  • Common Medical Disorders
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